
Video mapping projections

The title Lysyntese merges two words: lys (light) and syntese (synthesis). The new art piece reflects on the process of photosynthesis in nature and aspires to create a “spiritual photosynthesis” in the experience of the artwork of light.

If light plays such an important role in our physical condition, then light art plays similarly important role in our non – physical condition? In other words, if light is so important for our biological existence, then – the artist presumes, light art is similarly important to our spiritual existence.


“Light Art affects people in many non-physical ways: emotionally, psychologically, intellectually. Hence light art is similarly important for our spiritual state as light is for our biological state”

- László Bordos


Concept and creation: László Bordos
Sound: Sarah Badr / FRKTL
Light control: Gábor Bálint
Commissioned and produced by Fjord Oslo
Premiere at Fjord Oslo 2019